A11y Web Accessibility for WordPress by Andrea Skeries at the WordPress meetup group in Cedar Rapids, IA

Accessibility for WordPress: Best Practices and Plugins

Mike Irvine giving the WordPress group a talk on ServerPress for locally hosted WordPress

February WordPress Meetup Results: ServerPress is Desktop Server Software for WordPress.org run off your computer

From left to right: Pat C., Seth Adam, Jean Vaux, Nate Houstman, Mike Irvine, David Miessler-Kubanek (standing). Also in the room was Aaron Van Noy, Andrea Skeries, and Niki Soto.

Modern Website Design & Blogging, learn WordPress

Seth Adam of Dakota Softworks is showing how to migrate a WordPress website from PowWeb to DigitalOcean

WordPress Meetup November 2016

Aaron Van Noy talks about speed testing your site at tools.pingdom.com

Website Design with WordPress meetup on July 19th in Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Members of the WordPress meetup group in Iowa

WordPress Child Theme Development using Integrated Development Environments (IDE) and Source Control Repository.

Group at Corridor Digital Marketing meetup: Increase Revenue with Social Media/Selling

Corridor Digital Marketing. Social Selling: Use Social Media to Increase Your Revenue Potential

TechBrew attendees outside on the patio at Forbidden Planet

TechBrew (Geek Social Event) @ Forbidden Planet in Iowa City, IA