Corridor Digital Marketing Meetup.
Social Selling: Use Social Media to Increase Your Revenue Potential
Monday night at Catalyst Cafe, Geonetric Building in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, was the Corridor Marketing/Digital Media Meetup Group. Tonight’s topic was Social Selling: How to Use Social Media to Increase Your Revenue Potential. The event was held on Monday, May 16, 2016 from to . Our marketing presenter tonight was Jeroen Corver, Director of Digital solutions of Townsquare Media.
Jeroen Corver talks about Social Marketing
In Jeroen Corver’s talk tonight he recommends following several marketers in the industry: Koka Sexton (senior social marketing manager at LinkedIn), Gary Vaynerchuk (twitter), Jill Rowley Chief Evangelist (LinkedIn), Grant Cardone (twitter).
Slides from tonight’s Talk
Question and Answer Section
In this video our presenter recommends YouTube as a marketing option. I had a hard time not chuckling a bit, because I knew that the videos that I was taking would shortly end up on YouTube for others to view. I use my blog as a promotional tool to get the work out about Big Ten Web Design and Tech events happening in/around the creative corridor (Cedar Rapids & Iowa City).
Jeroen Corver talks about Marketing on Snapchat
At $50k advertising spend per day for Snapchat, I think I would have found other solutions as well.