Build Websites with WordPress in Cedar Rapids, IA
This month’s topics include 4 different way to migrate your WordPress installation along with general Search Engine Optimization techniques.
This month’s topics include 4 different way to migrate your WordPress installation along with general Search Engine Optimization techniques.
Aaron from Big Ten Web Design talked about the multiple ways to migrate a WordPress installation to another server to general SEO tips.
Pro Tip: Some migrations are more tricky than others due to some companies’ “Managed WordPress Hosting” techniques behind the scenes. Some companies add a custom optimization code and run proprietary caching software. Some companies like Pagely lower file overhead by sharing core files and/or blocking core files from being touched by the end user. This can be a complete headache for the novice when transferring to a different website hosting provider.
As soon as I saw this Unicorn I knew if Rina Jensen were to show up (and she did) she would love this little guy. Turns out she already had a name for this little guy, “Steve McFluff”. She has both figuratively and literally embraced the unicorn into her company brand!
Steve showed up one day after I joined the space. Devin’s girlfriend Emily saw it when they were out shopping. I had only met Emily once before this and she told Devin she needed to buy it for the space, for me. So I walked in and there she was in all her pink and purple glory! Then we had a naming party. I think the list of names is still there on the whiteboard, I’ll let you know when I go back there. We decided she was a she, but we really liked the name Steve and thus, Steve McFluff was born. -Rina Jensen
Friends’ time continued at Fong’s Pizza in Cedar Rapids, IA with (from left to right) Rina Jensen, Aaron Van Noy, Chris Neil, Mike Irvine, and Michael Louvire. We talked about work, WordPress and just got to know each other even better. Giving back to the community and helping others is why we head up this event truly look forward to it each month.